In an extraordinary turn of events, a red-tailed hawk managed to survive after being struck by a vehicle and becoming lodged in the grill of an SUV in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. The incident occurred on Thursday when Judy Harmon heard a sudden impact while driving on Interstate 495. Initially hoping the bird had escaped unharmed, she soon realized it was still attached to her vehicle. After calling for help, a collaborative effort involving local authorities and automotive expertise led to the successful extraction of the injured hawk. Despite sustaining injuries, including a fractured wing, the bird is now under veterinary care at Tufts Wildlife Clinic, offering hope for its recovery.
When Judy Harmon first noticed something was amiss, she immediately pulled over at a rest stop following the collision. She described the moment with a mix of shock and concern as she observed the hawk trapped within the grill of her Honda SUV. "I saw his wing on the hood, and I knew he was still with us," Harmon recounted. The situation required immediate attention, but initial attempts by police and animal control were unsuccessful in freeing the bird. It was clear that specialized tools and knowledge were needed.
The solution came from an unexpected source. State police reached out to Nucar Honda of Westford, where Stan Dekhtyar, the service director, provided the necessary expertise. With precision and care, Dekhtyar and his team carefully dismantled parts of the vehicle's front end, allowing them to safely remove the hawk without causing further harm. "This was definitely a first for me," Dekhtyar remarked. The hawk was then placed in a cage, where it regained its footing and looked around, much to the relief of those involved.
Upon examination at Tufts Wildlife Clinic, veterinarians discovered that the hawk had suffered a broken wing along with other chronic injuries. Despite these challenges, the resilient bird showed signs of recovery. Harmon expressed gratitude for the outcome, reflecting on the experience. "The car's grill was damaged, and the vehicle is only three months old, but seeing the bird alive made everything worthwhile," she said. The event has been hailed as nothing short of miraculous, highlighting the power of teamwork and compassion in saving wildlife.
The rescue operation exemplifies the importance of community collaboration and quick thinking in emergency situations. While the red-tailed hawk faces a challenging road to recovery, the combined efforts of multiple parties have given it a fighting chance. For Harmon, witnessing this incredible rescue reaffirmed the value of life and the miracles that can happen when people come together for a common cause.